七澤菜波個展 Infinity 墨は森羅万象のいろ 【in XY Hotel Bugis Singapore】
七澤 菜波 Nanami Nanasawa
東京学芸大学書道学科を経て、グラフィックデザイナーとして活躍。 その後、書家・墨象アーティストとして活動をはじめる。伝統的な書だけでなく、「墨象+書」「写真+墨象」など独自のアートも追求。個展での作品発表のほか、商品やパッケージ、ブランドロゴなど揮毫作品多数。また音楽に合わせて巨大な紙に描く「書のパフォーマンス」、ファッションや建築、舞台美術などとのコラボレーションも評判に。2018年7月、シンガポールで書のパフォーマンスの公演を開催し、賞賛された。
After graduating from Tokyo Gakugei University, School of Calligraphy, Nanami began her career as a commercial graphic designer. She then started practices as a calligrapher and “Bokusho” (abstract calligraphy) artist. Her works, “Bokusho and Calligraphy” and “Bokusho and Photographs”, were exhibited in solo exhibitions and her calligraphy works have been commissioned to be used in commercial products and logos. She is known for her “Writing Performance”, where she performs ink writing on a large surface area, to music. Nanami’s collaborative works can be seen in fashion, architecture, and theatre production projects. She has recently performed the “Writing Performance” in Singapore in July 2018, where she received praise from the society.
アートホテル XY Hotel Bugis Singapore はこちらから